Beautiful Heart Wallpapers Biography
Every person wants to keep any relationship like love and friendship with such a person who is beautiful, whose face is beautiful. That beauty of face can attract people for sometime only, afterall the beauty of face never remains the same. It changes by time to time and because of this people get tired or they fade up from that temporary beauty when that beauty becomes less and less with time. So, in actual the real beauty, the natural beauty is the beauty of heart. The person whose heart is beautiful he/she can rule the hearts of people for so long that a face beauty couldn't do. The face beauty can rule the minds or hearts of people but only for sometime but a beautiful heart can rule the hearts and minds of people for a very long time! In friendship if you have a beautiful heart then your friends will remember you even after you and your friends would be far away from each other. So, as i guess, in friendship or in any relationship a beautiful and pure heart is always needed and wanted. If you have a beautiful heart you will always be remembered by people with good words and with your beautiful heart you will make a vast place in people's heart for always by all those beautiful words, soft words, beautiful prayers which come directly from your beautiful heart for your friends in friendship. When you have a beautiful heart everyone likes you.
- Honest relations are just like water, no colour, no shape, no place, no taste but still very important and these honest relations can only be kept and maintained when you have a beautiful heart. :)three essential conditions of beauty: clarity, harmony and integrity. Clarity is what comes first through our sense experience, when we notice the distinct illumination — the luminosity — communicated by an object. For example, the brilliant colors of a flower initially draw our attention. We also experience harmony, or the right ordering of the parts. The harmony of a flower is expressed in the size and placement of petals on a stem of a flower. All of this is synthesized into a complete configuration, thereby showing the third aspect of beauty, integrity. The wholeness of the object elicits repose and contemplation, rather than agitation and grasping. There’s a restorative feeling of being "at home." Within this rest, though, there is also an opening to more that continues to call us.
These conditions, however, are not static or rigid, but apply in different ways, depending on the object. Those who are expert in a certain craft or practice are often best equipped to recognize beauty present within their own domain. It is possible to recognize the beauty of a well-structured building — especially if you’re an architect — or a well-executed play in sports — especially if you’re an athlete. It’s a fairly common thing to hear someone talk of a "beautiful shot" or "beautiful play" in the context of a sport, and this judgment is accurate when someone witnesses the correspondence between how a shot or play should look and how it is actually taking place before him. Things are rightly ordered, and the whole object or action holds together, communicating something true in a way that calls forth a response of delight. So not only should we remove from the heart lust and the temptations of dunya and evil thoughts about others, we should also fill it with the Almighty’s remembrance and bow in awe in prostration and narrate His praises to everyone we meet rather than boasting and complaining of materialistic things.
Just as the scars of the pencil marks don’t get completely erased, our bad deeds scar our hearts and pierce other hearts, too. Allah (swt) will ask for a sound heart on the day of judgement.
Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

Beautiful Heart Wallpapers

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